Art No | 1000021
LeviCell EOS - Run 4 samples simultaneously
Announcing a new dawn in sample preparation and characterization — the LeviCell EOS system.
Art No | 1002101
LeviCell EOS-4 Cartridges
- Single use cartridge that allows optical system to scan the full channel for all 4 samples
- Easily scale from 1 to 4 samples or 4 replicates of 1 sample for higher cell quantities
- Same reliable performance seen with LeviCell-1.0 Cartridge
Art No | 1005001
LeviPrep Mouse Tissue Dissociation Kit
Size: 24 rxns/kit
Upstream Cold Tissue Dissociation Enhances Cell Enrichment to Deliver Superior Cell Viability.
Art No | 1004110
LeviSelect Mouse Tissue RBC Depletion Kit (10 rxn)
Size: 10rxn
Unwanted tissue red blood cells (RBC) removal now can be done lysis-free
Art No | 1004005
LeviSelect Human CD3 T Cell Enrichment Kit
Size: 10 rxns
Targeted and viable cell enrichment in a single step
Art No | 1004007
LeviSelect Human CD4 T Cell Enrichment Kit
Size: 10 rxns
Targeted and viable cell enrichment in a single step
Art No | 1004009
LeviSelect Human CD8 T Cell Enrichment Kit
Size: 10 rxns
The LeviSelect™ Human CD8 T Cell Enrichment Kit is designed to enrich human CD8+ T cells from a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) sample during viable cell enrichment on a LeviCell™ 1.0 instrument and cartridge.
Art No | 1004011
LeviSelect Human B Cell Enrichment Kit
Size: 10 rxns
The LeviSelect™ Human Pan B Cell Enrichment Kit is designed to enrich human B cells from a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) sample during viable cell enrichment on a LeviCell™ 1.0 instrument and cartridge.
Art No | 1004019
LeviSelect Mouse B Cell Enrichment Kit
Size: 10 rxns
The LeviSelect™ Mouse B Cell Enrichment Kit A is designed to enrich mouse B cells from a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) or splenocyte sample during viable cell enrichment on a LeviCell™ 1.0 instrument and cartridge.
Art No | 1004001
LeviSelect Human CD45+ Depletion Kit
Size: 10 rxns
Targeted and viable cell enrichment in a single step
Art No | 1004003
LeviSelect Mouse CD45+ Depletion Kit
Size: 10 rxns