Art No | 1611 2600 1
E-BOX CX5.TS Edge - stand-alone Gel Imaging
E-BOX CX5 Edge is a Stand-alone Imaging System for Gel Documentation offering high sensitivity and speed.
Art No | 1011 5679 1
QUANTUM CX5 Edge - Gel Documentation System
QUANTUM CX5 Edge Gel Documentation System - the laboratory standard for DNA and Protein Gel Imaging.
Art No | 1011 3689 1
INFINITY CX5 Edge - Gel Documentation System
The Infinity is the ultimate gel-doc system with extendable capabilities. The system can grow according to your laboratory need, from fluorescence to chemiluminescence Western blot applications.
Art No | 1011 3689 1-2nd-handsale
Infinity CX5/WL Xpress - Secondhand Instrument - 2016
Secondhand instrument - 2016 - 6month warranty - w/o PAD
Art No | 1311 7609 1
BIO-PRINT CX4 Edge - Gel Documentation System
The Bio-Print is the ideal system for laboratories that do not want to compromise performance with budget constraints.
Art No | 1611 2600 1-2nd-handsale
E-Box CX5.TS Win7 - Secondhand instrument 2017