Size: 10 rxns
The LeviSelect™ Human Pan B Cell Enrichment Kit is designed to enrich human B cells from a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) sample during viable cell enrichment on a LeviCell™ 1.0 instrument and cartridge.
Enrich label-free human Pan B cells from a peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) sample concurrently with viable cell enrichment on a LeviCell system. Viable human Pan B Cells can be used for various downstream applications. Non-B cells are magnetically labeled and remain immobilized inside the LeviCell cartridge.
- Includes Biotinylated-Antibody Cocktail, StrepAvidin Nanospheres, Buffer, and Protocol
- No centrifugation or washing steps required
- Average 20 min run for targeted viable cell enrichment and removal of dead, dying cell or debris
Kit includes:
- 1 tube of LeviSelect h B Cell SAVNanospheres (100 uL)
- 1 tube LeviSelect hB Cell Ab Cocktail (100 uL)
- 2 tubes of 1XLeviSelect Buffer (1.8 mL), sufficient for 10 reactions
LeviSelect Immune Kits support target selection of the immune subpopulations required for downstream cell analysis or further subsetting. You can enrich hematopoietic populations quickly without lengthy workflows or potential cell activation.
- CD3 Enrichment
- CD4 Enrichment
- CD8 Enrichment
- Pan B Enrichment
- Pan Monocyte Enrichment
- NK Cell Enrichment

How it works
LeviSelect products combine Levitation Technology with targeted selection of specific cell types. Targeted and viable cell enrichment are performed simultaneously on the LeviCell system. By combining the natural density and magnetic susceptibility of cells within a paramagnetic compound with the addition of antibodies conjugated to nanospheres of different densities, cells can levitate at different heights. This process allows the separation of specific cells of interest from unwanted cells during a single LeviCell run.
Identifying and enriching cells of interest from mixed cell populations is fundamental to studying disease models and basic cell biology. Levitation Technology provides the gentlest cell enrichment method, preserving target-specific cells of interest unbiasedly.
Target Selection Workflow
Enabling target selection on the LeviCell system is just as easy as viable cell enrichment. Prepare your sample by adding Levitation Agent and LeviSelect reagents. Enrich for cells of interest with the LeviCell system. Collect viable cells for downstream applications.

LeviSelect Depletion and Enrichment Kits
LeviSelect Kits provide a fast and efficient method to deplete a specific cell type away from a mixture of cells or remove several cell-specific populations to enrich for a target cell of interest (negative selection). In both kit types, the target cell of interest remains label-free, ensuring cells are not perturbed.
Obtain gentle enrichment of viable target-specific populations, which remain untouched within the LeviCell cartridge. Now, you can achieve dying or dead cell removal – plus removal of debris – in a single LeviCell run.